
New Day

Today is a new day! There are less than 100 days left in 2020.

Thank god. I am grateful for every single day I’m alive, but this year was getting rough.

So, to embrace what is left of this year- I made a list of my goals to finish off the year.

  1. Read 3 books (suggestions?!)
  2. Workout 3-4x a week
  3. Eat healthier
  4. Write everyday
  5. Talk to at least one family member everyday

I am sure I have more, I need more… but those are important to me for now. It’s a good start right? I can be more productive, right? (I say as I’m rewatching grey’s anatomy for the 7th time).

What are your goals for the end of the year? Mine are basic, but they’re healthy, and they are going to make me a better person. Sometimes I think the daily basic things can be the hardest. Especially when you’re depressed. For those of you who have not suffered from depression, it’s weird. When I was depressed I didn’t want to shower, or go anywhere, or brush my hair. I’m not sure why… and honestly, I didn’t feel bad about it. I didn’t feel bad binge watching netflix for 7 hours or not showering for days. And, now that I’m not depressed, ya know what? I still don’t feel bad about it. I did what I needed to do at that time to feel better, and it may not have been the best thing for me, but it made me feel better. And if I did shower, I congratulated myself for that. If I went to class, I would let myself stay in and watch more movies instead of going out. If I got up and went to therapy, I got myself a milkshake. My only point in all of this is that it’s good to make goals, but it’s also good to take care of yourself and do what is good for you and what makes you feel better. If you’re depressed, and you’re reading this, know I understand. I get it. Drink some water, wash your face. It will get better.

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